Wednesday, February 4, 2015

To Do Lists

A symptom of adult ADD is an ever growing number of to do lists. I have them everywhere. I mean every where. I have them in piles, in folders, on my computer, on my phone, on my tablet, on my hand, you get the point. Sometimes when I am rummaging through old notebooks or my piles of paperwork I find lists from years ago. I still haven't done half the things on those lists. All this doesn't keep me from continue to find the perfect app or the perfect system. Eventually something has to work, right? My life is hectic. I need to have something that works.

As far as apps go I have downloaded them all. First for Android then for iPhones. This is one of the things that I miss about Android. I had my to do list right there when I woke up my phone. Unfortunately android phones aren't sturdy enough for me. After going through 5 of them, the last one breaking in the pocket of my jacket I was done! So iPhone it is.

So what have I tried?
Paper Lists - It doesn't work. Like I said I have lists everywhere. They get lost, I don't like my handwriting, the page gets to messy, you get the point. They don't work.

So I started download apps. I have downloaded them all. I will tell you about the ones that I actually spent time using. Some immediately got the boot for one reason or another and for most of them I couldn't even tell you why now.

Evernote - Everyone goes on and on about this app. You can use it anywhere. This is why I have tried it 4 different times. Every time I download it I remember why I don't like it. I want simple. I need simple. I just want to add my items to a list and check them off. It would be great to add pictures and what not but I need them in a simple, check it off list. This is not Evernote.

Wunderlist - I downloaded this because there is an option to add it to the "Today" page on iPhone. The "Today" page is the closest that I am going to get to Androids customizing screens. If you are unaware on how to get to this page you swipe down on the top of our iPhone. Here is my problem with Wunderlist, when I add a task I want to just be able to add it. Not have to go to a second screen and select that I want it to be listed on my today to do list. Of course I want to add it to today's to do list, duh, I want it to come up on my iPhone's "Today" page. So this too gets the boot.

AmazingNotes - This one actually worked... for a while. I had all my folder organized, in ROYGB of course. I used it regularly for about two weeks. I still use it occasionally and for a lot of people I think it is a good option. I didn't like that I wasn't able to add it to my "Today" page but I am finding this isn't an option for most iPhone apps. I also started making to do list for too many separate projects. I need one list! This isn't the issue of app but my issue. I have this strong desire to be this overly organized person and I AM NOT! I do good to remember to brush my hair everyday. This also doesn't have a desktop component which I find useful.

And just to show I was joke about needing to organize everything by ROYGBP. Maybe I got tired of the program because I ran out of colors.

So as usually my ADD and my need for some sort of organization in my life got me started on this blog and again on the search for a better app. So far I sound really picky but I really need something that will keep me on track.

I downloaded first thing this morning. I like it. It is simple. There is a desktop component and a chrome addon! This is a big plus. I added a couple of things to it. I really like how well it works. So far I think it looks good and would be a good options for someone needing a simple to do list. There are two apps for the phone, one is a to list and the other is a calendar. I think I will use the calendar app, for right now; the to do list is getting the boot for right now but only because I found something better.

So in my search for the perfect app this morning I came across a Lifehack article Five Best To Do List Managers. This site usually has some good advice. It listed Google Keep,, Wunderlist, Todoist, and HabitRPG. I stopped when I got to because I hadn't tried it yet. I downloaded it on my phone and on my computer. Added a couple things that needed to get done to my to do list. Started this blog. Then kids started showing up for child care and it was time to work. Came back to my computer during nap and finished scrolling through the article. Got to HabitRPG and knew immediately that was the one that would work (at least for a little while).

HabitRPG makes your to do list a game. Kind of like one of those facebook games where you level up your player. This is right up my alley. I can get sucked in to one of those for hours. Complete this task and you will be at the next level. I swear the person who wrote this app must know me somehow. I am always telling my kids to make it a game when they are thrilled about doing something. Now I can take my own advice. Time to play!

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