Sunday, February 1, 2015

Weekend Project Rundown 1/30

Weekends without kids mean a list of items to check off. Not sure I checked off a single thing that was actually on my list but I did get some things accomplished.

We finally put shelves in the closet. We have a long closet with doors on either side. The middle was basically useless. It had become this pile of stuff I didn't feel like I would need anytime soon so I threw it it the middle. This was originally Batman's project but due to my need to control everything I ended up in the cramped closet with him. It probably went a lot faster because of I helped so hopefully he appreciated it. While they aren't exactly pretty (who is going to see them), they are functional and cost under $30. During a quick trip to Home Depot we bought a 4'x8' and had them cut it down into 4-2'x4' boards (love that Lowe's or Home Depot will do this for you). Then bought 4-2"x2"s and cut them each in half. Drilled them to either side of the wall. Then put the 2'x4' boards over them. Voila! Storage! Wonder Woman has a place to put her boots.

Two quick random projects this weekend. I was tired of my plugs getting tangled on the floor beside my bed so I screwed the powerstrip. I now don't have to fumble around in the dark on the floor when I need to plug my phone in either. Then we bought Light Angel as in impulse buy standing in line at Hancock fabrics. I have to get up at 6:00 to get the kids read and tend to the animals. I don't want to wake up Batman (he was out late fighting crime the night before) so this works perfect. It only comes on when it is dark, it relies on motion to turn on, and it is dim enough that I can see what is in my closet but doesn't disturb the person laying in bed. We will see how long the batteries last but so far it works well. I was pleasantly surprised since I think most of the "As seen on TV products are good ideas but poorly executed and it didn't get great reviews on Amazon.

Another project I had not planned on completing was my filing cabinet. Since we moved I haven't had one that was easy accessible. I was in desperate need because my to be filed piles are all over the place! We also needed a second side table so I decided I would just use the filing cabinet as my side table since we don't have an office space. I have some odd OCD tendencies. My house is usually a wreck, my car is worse, but hand me a filing cabinet and some file folders and I go crazy. They have to be "pretty" and in order by color, ROYGB is the only way to go. Weird I know. Based on this guess which My Little Pony is my favorite.

What didn't I get done? The damn chairs! They are all over the place. Three kinds of chairs. I did buy the vinyl but then decided once I tore off the old vinyl that maybe I wanted to do something a little different than I originally thought. Thanks youtube!

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